Blubaugh Appointed to NFU Committees


Scott Blubaugh, Tonkawa, Okla., rancher and AFR president, has been elected to serve on the National Farmers Union Executive Committee. The selection was announced at the recent NFU convention in Seattle, WA.
“I am excited to represent Oklahoma and I am looking forward to serving agriculture on a national scale,” Blubaugh said.
The NFU Executive Committee is comprised of the NFU Secretary, Treasurer, four committee chairs and two at-large members. Blubaugh will fill one of the at-large positions. The committee hears proposals and recommends actions for the full NFU board of Directors. They can also act on behalf of the board in select circumstances.
Blubaugh was also selected to serve on three standing NFU committees, the Education/Co-Op, Legislative and NFU Foundation committees.
The committee work is in addition to Blubaugh’s service on the full NFU board of directors.
Blubaugh and his family own and operate a registered Angus business near Tonkawa, in the heart of their diversified 3,500 acre farm and ranch, which encompasses Osage, Kay and Noble counties.
NFU is a general farm organization including family farmers, fishers and ranchers across the country, with formally organized divisions in 33 states. Oklahoma is the largest NFU affiliate, representing more than 100,000 members.