On this week’s show we get a report from the Oklahoma Capitol where teachers have left their classrooms and flooded the building, hoping to gets legislators attention. Steve Thompson, AFR director of governmental relations, provides the details.


On this week’s show we talk about training future animal scientists to “say the right thing” and we continue our conversation with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

On this week’s show we talk about the 2018 OYE Grand Champion steer setting a new record of $115,000; we hear from EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt; we report on this week’s AFR LEAD Day at the state capitol and talk with rancher Randy Gilbert about calving season on his Tecumseh, Okla., ranch.



Our guest today on the AFR Country Journal podcast is State Sen. Jason Smalley and we’re talking about the pending teacher strike in Oklahoma.

On this week’s show we report from the world’s largest youth livestock show where AFR had a strong presence, including sponsoring a blood drive that saved 168 lives!

On this week’s show we talk about the opiod crisis in rural America, as #AFBF and #NFU have teamed up in a #FarmTownStrong campaign. We also talk with Oklahoman farm leaders Terry Detrick and Dustin Tackett about adding a conservative voice to the national policy scene.

On this week’s show we talk about the benefits of soil conservation; AFR youth donating to St. Judes, and it’s almost time to plant corn!

On this week’s show we talk about the just completed annual AFR convention with AFR President Terry Detrick and AFR Governmental Relations Director Steve Thompson. We also talk with NAWG Director Chandler Goule about the new mantra for wheat growers should be “Love Your Wheat”. And one final news note about AFR giving their Ag Advocacy award to Francie Tolle, with the USDA’s Risk Management Agency in Kansas City.

On this week’s show we talk with Steve Thompson, director of AFR governmental relations, about the key issues on the minds of AFR members as they attend the annual AFR convention this weekend in Norman, Okla.; We also talk with Ryan Goodman, NCBA, and Matt Boyer, Claremore, Okla., rancher, about being an advocate for agriculture.

On this week’s show we talk with Jackson Takach, director of economics and financial research for FARMER MAC; We also talk with Tim Lust with the National Sorghum Producers about grain sorghum as a great breakfast food!