On this week’s show we talk with Oklahoma State U. Extension grain economist about wheat prices, and we talk with southwest Oklahoma farmer Adam Wyatt about how the wet weather has delayed cotton harvest.
On this edition of the AFR Country Journal podcast, our guest is U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK). We talk about his new post as chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee and how that impacts rural Oklahoma.
On this week’s program we talk with dairy farmer Angie Meyer and celebrity chef Jon Ashton about including more dairy products in our diet. We also talk with USDA Se. Sonny Perdue who was in Oklahoma City this week.
On this edition of the AFR Country Journal podcast we talk with celebrity chef Jon Ashton. We cover everything from the secret to making a perfect pizza, finding your authentic soul and enjoying a meaningful meal with family.
On this week’s show we talk with OSU Agriculture Economist Dave Shideler about the chance of a recession for Oklahoma in 2019. We also talk with Dr. Brett Carver, OSU wheat scientist, about the potential for 200 bushels per acre wheat yield.
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On this week’s show we talk with Nathan Kauffman, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City-Omaha Branch, who says farmers are caught in a squeeze with a poor farm economy and a higher general economy leading to higher interest rates. We also talk about the shrinking canola crop.
On this edition of the AFR Country Journal podcast we talk with Chad Ellis, Industry Relations and Stewardship Manager for the Noble Research Institute. Chad says they are focused on improving soil stewardship and making it economically sustainable.
On this week’s show we report on last week’s Junior Livestock Premium auction at the Tulsa State Fair. We talk with AFR President Terry Detrick about the sale and his retirement reception held prior to the sale. We also hear from a Porter, Okla., farmer about the positive impact of the poultry industry.
On this week’s show we report on the AFR Commercial Cattle Grading contest held this week at the Tulsa State Fair. We also report on the AFR Women’s Cooperative blood drive at the Tulsa State Fair.
On this edition of the AFR Country Journal podcast we continue our conversation with ag teacher Brad Criner about how he uses examples from the poultry industry in his classroom.
On this week’s show we talk with Oklahoma State U. Extension grain economist about wheat prices, and we talk with southwest Oklahoma farmer Adam Wyatt about how the wet weather has delayed cotton harvest.
wheat cotton